Abstract Submission

You can submit your abstract without registration. However, if your abstract is accepted by the Scientific Committee, you must register for it to be included in the XXth IAGA Workshop. Both simple abstracts (up to 450 words) and expanded abstracts (including figures, if necessary) will be accepted.

Click here for abstract submission

Click here to download an expanded abstract template

Articles (abstracts) are accepted after the referee evaluation.


Oral Presentation
  • Invited speakers: 50 minutes + 10 minutes for Q&A
  • Other speakers (from expanded abstracts chosen by the Scientific Committee: 15 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A
Presenters are fully responsible for their presentation content (e.g., order, graphics, etc.).
To prepare your presentation, please use a screen aspect ratio of 16:9. Avoid relying on any online resources, as internet access on the presentation computers is not guaranteed. Therefore, when saving your final presentation to a memory stick, ensure that you include any video or multimedia files you may be using.

We recommend verifying that your presentation is in one of the compatible formats listed below:
Presentation: PPTX, PPT, PDF
Audio: WMA, MP3, WAV
Images: JPG, GIF, BMP, TIF

Each work presented in the form of a poster will be entitled to a panel area measuring 0.90m in width by 1.20m in height .
The event logo – AVAILABLE HERE – should be placed in the upper left corner with a minimum length of 10 cm .